Help needed for 40 Days for Life

Dear Friend for Life,

The start of this Fall's 40 Days for Life campaign is now less than ten days away!

The campaign will run from Wednesday, September 26, through Sunday, November 4.

We will need lots of help in maintaining a constant, peaceful prayer presence there at the Bloomington Planned Parenthood, 421 S. College Avenue, from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. on each of those 40 days.

If you need a motivator for signing up to come and pray, be sure to check out this 40 Days for Life podcast:

Your past help and prayers are so greatly appreciated. If you haven't already done so, I'd like to invite you right now to sign up to come to the Bloomington Planned Parenthood for an hour or more to pray: There are many open hours and I'm sure you will find one to fit into your schedule!

Thank you so much and God bless your week.

Monica Siefker
Bloomington 40 Days for Life coordinator

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